Proudly Serving Dallas-Fort WorthAmarilloOklahoma City, and Surrounding Areas


Why We Use Thermal Imaging Cameras
Mr. Restore is dedicated to providing the best possible service to our community, which includes using the best technology and equipment. One of our technicians' most useful tools is thermal imaging cameras for water damage restoration and remediation. This advanced technology allows us to find moisture in your property that (more)
10 Must-Have Items on Your Spring Home Maintenance Checklist
Spring is the perfect time to get outdoors and tackle some of your home projects. The days are lengthening in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, and the weather is getting warmer. The cold weather has passed, and you can get outside and start looking for any damage to your home. You (more)
When Was The Last Time You Inspected Your Roof?
Many of us tend to forget about the roof during home maintenance routines. However, it is important to inspect your roof for damage regularly. Leaky roofs are a common cause of water damage in the home. That's why your roof should have an inspection at least twice a year. You (more)
Annual Home Safety Checklist
Starting off the new year is a wonderful feeling, it's also a great time to evaluate your home to make important safety changes. There are many things that you and your family can do at the beginning of the year to prevent catastrophic fires or serious water damage. These simple tasks can (more)
6 Signs Your Home Needs Electrical Repairs
You probably don't think about it much- but electricity is constantly moving throughout your home. It is important to keep the electrical systems in your home up-to-date through regular maintenance. A faulty electrical system can lead to a fire and serious fire damage. You can feel better about both the (more)